
Web Sites

  • Our place in neuroscience lineage
  • PhD program in Neurobiology at Harvard.  Note that acceptance to the program is not via the individual labs.  The applications are reviewed by committee and the student only enters a thesis lab in the second year of the program after rotating through several labs.  Please direct all inquires to the PhD program and not to the Sabatini lab.
  • Neurobiology Department at Harvard Medical School
  • HHMI investigator profile


  • All our recently published clones are available at AddGene.  If you need an older reagent, we will happily provide it and submit it to Addgene.

Viral backbones

  • The viral backbones that we generated are available at AddGene. This includes adeno-associated virus backbones for “Cre-on” or “Cre-off” expression that allows specific and simultaneous targeting of fluorophores or optogenetic proteins to Cre positive or negative proteins.
  • Many additional plasmids for virus production are available from the Deisseroth lab.
  • Many pre-packaged viruses that direct expression of light-modulated proteins and genetically-encoded fluorophores are available at the viral vector cores of UNC or U. Penn. We buy our viruses from those two cores or from the Harvard Gene Therapy Initiative Vector Core


The mechanical parts for our electrophysiology rigs, 2-photon microscopes, specimen stages, and optogenetics rigs are made by and available from Mike’s Machine Co. Please contact them for any pieces as they do not all appear on their website.


Please visit our github repository where we have made much of our data aquisition software available.  

MultiClamp to MATLAB interface: These simple applications for Windows read the acquisition parameters from an Axon MultiClamp 700A or 700B and save them to text files.  The files are written when any parameter changes and can be used by another program to determine what mode the clamp is in.

Other Software

For better supported laser scanning microscope control software that descended from the same parent software (reference) as our code, please see the ScanImage site at Janelia Farms Research Campus.

Ephus and mafPC are alternative packages for electrophysiology.